Yoga, the perfect complement to physical exercise
Exercise is beneficial at any age. Regular physical activity can also cut your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers in half. It can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which causes bones to become brittle and break easily, as well as alleviate lower back pain and mitigate the stiffness and pain of osteoarthritis.
Exercise is good for the mind too. People who introduce some regular physical activity into their routine are in a better mood, sleep better, have lower levels of stress and anxiety, and perceive positive changes in their own concept. For some people with depression, physical activity can be as effective as taking treatment or taking medication. We know that the practice of yoga has benefits for the physical and mental health of all those who practice it. We also know that it is an activity suitable for all types of people. But there is an important fact that is perhaps somewhat less known. And, did you know that yoga has many benefits for those who practice physical exercise regularly? We tell you some of them.
With the practice of yoga we will notably increase our flexibility and eliminate muscle contractures and tensions. This will also help us to achieve more effective stretching when practicing our physical activity.
One of the fundamental bases of yoga is the work of breathing, which achieves an increase in breathing capacity. In this way, a greater amount of oxygen reaches the blood, which means greater resistance and increased recovery capacity.
Through yoga, both balance and coordination are increased. These aspects are necessary for the practice of physical activity, since we will better control our movement.
The exercises present in this discipline help to tone the pelvic and dorsal muscles. This can be very beneficial for certain physical activities.
The repeated and routine training of a type of physical exercise can lead to the neglect of some muscle areas. Yoga is an activity that works the whole body, a fact that is especially useful in these cases. In the event of injuries, a faster recovery occurs, as the affected tissues will be more flexible and you will have more oxygen.
Summarizing the combination of exercise, meditation and our beautiful charms can give you a perfect balance between soul, body and mind and thus lead a prosperous life.